Conference news
The Round tables of the conference “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry” are announced
Two round tables, dedicated to the most challenging questions of the geoinformation will be held within the third day of the conference:
“Geoinformation in clouds. Pro et contra for suppliers and users”
Cloud technologies have become an everyday tool for users of the software products, which cannot be said about specialized software, whose customer is inclined to use the desktop version. Are there any economic conditions for the transition to the Cloud, how do they meet systems of security and stability of access to the products? There are many mutual questions among users, developers and clouds providers. At this round table research of the cloud technologies and vision of development perspectives will be presented by Racurs – the developer of the software and cloud geoinformation service GeoCloud respectively.
“Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality”
Technologies of virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) realities have a real boom now. In accordance with the forecast of the investment bank Goldman Sachs the value of virtual and augmented reality market will be from 80 billion to 100 billion by 2025. CIM (information model of the city), genetically grown from BIM, is one of the most promising directions of VR. Developers of CIM place strict requirements on metric characteristics of models. Is photogrammetry capable of becoming the best technology for obtaining 3D realistic information for use in VR / AR? Participants of the round table will not only discuss possibilities and prospects of virtual reality, but also will be able to get acquainted with integration of Racurs photogrammetric products and VR technologies of VR Concept Company.
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